
Is there any tips for improving at chess, share them here.

I have one tip,
1. Its best to keep the tension than releasing it (Take is a mistake)
Who wants to post some tips for everyone? I want to reach 2000
1. Find your play style, Improve and practice tactics.
2. play a lot in tournaments, always analyse your games
3 never be afraid to lose, don't be excessive happy in the win
4 be humble and motivated
5 learn theory of openings but remember that practice is more important.
If you want to improve more than just sign up on this website but it is a paid subscription website of $59 per month if you don't want to purchase than also sign up by clicking on this link as this website offer 3 courses for free which I guarantee you will like also their blogs and podcast will help you increase your rating too and if you want to purchase than click this link as this will provide you a 20% discount
There are 2-3 threads like this every week. Do you really think that within few days, someone was able to come with a revolutionary idea not contained in any of those discussions that are already here?
1. Master the art of chess karaoke: Sing your way to victory by chanting out opening principles
2. Juggle during critical moments: Show off your multitasking skills by juggling chess pieces while contemplating moves. Who said chess isn't a circus?
3. Play chess in costume: Put on a superhero cape or a wizard hat while playing. Channel the powers of Chessman and defeat your opponents with style.
4. Turn endgames into culinary adventures. Remember, a well-cooked endgame is the key to a grandmaster's heart.
5. Challenge yourself by playing blindfolded while riding a unicycle.
@mkubecek said in #4:
> There are 2-3 threads like this every week. Do you really think that within few days, someone was able to come with a revolutionary idea not contained in any of those discussions that are already here?

But it's the goal of a chess forum.
it's useful to out work position based on your Inner feels, and find a key to improve that along with vision, that must be a key to play like Engine and See all, but not that easy to realise, I provide Mental Technics for That, but haven't founded a convinient key , that Activates that out working feeling in convininet way
also it's better to focus on feeling of thinking in a game, especially when your vision marks there is something wrong, or you don't see a goal in current postion, instead of hurrying and make gamble moves
and to work on emotional logic and thinking is sometimes as important as pure logical thinking

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