
A powerful O-O-O game in traxler opening

The Traxler is a very powerful counterattack, I guess Ng5 isn't the best move to play in the Italian Opening.
thanks for the study, someone hit me with the Traxler last week and I had never seen the pawn push to d5 by black, they had always just pulled the attacking bishop back. I got smoked and when I analyzed the game stockfish was going bonkers after the pawn push.
@Ben2006Tor Yeah after nd4 black isn't doing fine. d6 is the main move after nd4 and even at top level black can't squeeze out a win. e4 e5 nf3 nc6 bc4 nf6 ng5 bc5 nxf7 nxh2+ kf1 qe7 nxh8 d5 exd5 nd4, and there are three known moves. h3, which works, d6, which wins, and c3, which I know the pure refutation of. Black isn't really doing fine, im sorry.
@Ben2006Tor No, white was still +0.9 even after all black's tricks ran out. In fact I would be more than willing to play you in any time control (minus bullet and no increment blitz) and go straight into the nxf7 kf1 lines
I played the Traxler a few days ago and someone hit me with this.....I'm not sure I want to go down this line with moving my king to the seventh rank.

@chesshydro well those lines give black a ton of play actually, ke7, (threatening h6) bd3, rf8, 0-0, h6, nf3 d6, and soon with the bishop coming to g4 the knight to d4 and the f7 rook being opened, black can easily roll over white.
@CasualGames4ever I don't disagree with those lines of sharp play. I'm inclined as black to play against whites book knowledge and then sharp play elsewhere with the typical e5 pawn push. I forgot white could just take the pawn with the bishop and retreat for a decent game although as I agree black can provide some sharp advance after Ke7.
@chesshydro well personally I really dont think black can ever get anything out of 1e5. Petroff and Berlin are too drawish, most other defenses too the spanish lead to positional issues later in the game without perfect play, if black goes for the two knights or 3bc5 white can just play d3 and have a better position, the latvian is stupid, and the philidor is just plain worse and cramped. I believe I have around a 77% win rate against e5 on my account, yet my win rate is only like 60%. Thats why the sicilian is so popular, as black often gets a good position. Personally I hate the sicilian as black, and if you are a e5 player and are unsatisfied with the positions you are getting, I believe the most logical opening for you to switch to is the pirc.

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