
How to Memorize 25 MOVES of a Chess Opening

My strategy at the start of the game is to get to the middle with the assumption that if I do I will win for sure.
@Diavola No, your strategy is to turn on stockfish, sit back and watch anime, talk on facebook and skype. :P
@BlakeyBChess "> Lots of people with a lot of excuses to not do the hard work and learn their openings deeply :)"

it's not enough to do hard work, do the wrong hard work and you won't make progress. There's the story of a tree feller late for work, to save time he doesn't sharpen his axe. He worked really hard that day and made terrible progress.

If someone had a goal of improving in chess, I would tell them in the beginning split your time between studying chess and studying how to learn efficiently and effectively. Much of that would be general science backed info not specific to chess, and some would be specific to chess.
One thing I would say is that most players, seem to be mostly concerned with what to open with as white. When you study openings...Spend equal time studying both white and black openings. One of the best ways to learn openings is to play said openings both as white and black. Studying openings is like opening a can of worms...The transpositions can be over whelming. Prepared lines are great, if your opponent cooperates. Most of the time...Not likely :]
Why do users like Diavola, who are using computer assistance, being paired with regular users? I don't get it!?
@patzer81 I don't think they do get paired with regular users, I think they were only tagged 24 hours ago as using an engine.
@h2b2 none of Diavola's recent opponents has been tagged for engine use as far as I can see.
@patzer81 That's correct. When diavola played them she didn't have the engine use tag, since she has been tagged she hasn't played anyone.
I think the point of this topic is to recommend a strategy to more easily recall information.

Key points are:

a) creating a narrative can be an effective mnemonic tool
b) understanding why a move is played doesn't harm too
c) one should not overload himself with information, so explore a variation depth-first, add variations/sidelines later

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