
A tricky subject: „Chess has a Problem - Men“

Aren't you even supposed to have kids mode if you're 8?
@EverFaithful9 said in #14:
> (@)Sarg0n I am embarrased for mankind because of people like you.

For linking an article from a respected newspaper that deals with a dark side of chess? For acknowledging that women have faced sexism, harassment, abuse, assault and rape, and that men have often turned a blind eye to their plight?
One can acknowledge the existence of harassment and abuse without calling "men" a "problem". That's hatespeech and most men won't even bother reading - rightly so.
Given the actual topic treating someone who linked an article as an 'embarassment to mankind' is a bit misguided.
Men have suffered in professional barbie doll matches for too long! It's time to bring equality !!
A bit ballyhoo, sure. But if you have talked to female chess players privately what they had experienced it rings somewhat different.

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