
Can someone please explain this puzzle to me?

Agree, no human would play the move offered.
1.Nd6+ Qxd6 (...Kd8 2. Nf7 is mate) 2. Bxd6 is completely winning, to my eyes at least.
Maybe a computer would would find a few centi pawns extra in it's variation, but really, White is already up material in the starting posn anyway.
Downvoted the puzzle, hopefully it goes away.
It's curious because when I analyze this position with Stockfish, it gives +11.76 points to 1.Nd6+ and only +6.15 to 1.Nc3... weird.
I did not analyze all the variants and potential forced checkmates, but I think there is a logic to every move in this puzzle, but that's not the first ideas that would come up to our minds.

Nc3 connects the white rooks and if blacks does not move the queen, white can set a rook on D1 to double attack the queen and the king.

Then the knight is under attack, so white gives two checks and set it on a square where it can attack the rook and be protected by the queen.

After, I think the queen moves to B3 to continue protecting the knight and launch the attack that was planned in the beginning: RD1. So black has to move the queen again to E8 or maybe G4, but I guess on G4 she might be isolated and it would weaken the defense.

The rook on D1 threatens both the queen and the king, so the king moves. White tries to pin the knight with the pawn but black disconnects the white knight from its queen and so white decides to win the rook.

Probably there are more subtelties involved, but I don't think we should massively downvote the puzzles since there are tactical human ideas involved anyway.

I think humans did play most of those moves. Don't the puzzles come from games played on lichess?
Thank you all for your contributions!

I understand that some best moves are not intuitive to a human... I guess in this specific puzzle what happens is that its very easy to play moves that are good, but not the best, to the point that the "good" moves give some form of advantage away

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