
is 50 acpl good for 1300 blitz and 1500 rapid?

does acpl really matter and is 50 acpl good for 1300 blitz and 1500 rapid
It does matter, but it's not a direct measure of how good you are, that's what your rating and results are for. If you have a quick, sharp game against a challenging opponent with lots of difficult decisions, 50 ACPL is world champion standard. If you have a long slow game where it's hard to blunder anything, 50 ACPL is not so good.
@Gingersquirrelnuts said in #2:
> It does matter, but it's not a direct measure of how good you are, that's what your rating and results are for. If you have a quick, sharp game against a challenging opponent with lots of difficult decisions, 50 ACPL is world champion standard. If you have a long slow game where it's hard to blunder anything, 50 ACPL is not so good.

World champion standard is one of the most exaggerated things I have ever seen In my life, after all 50 acpl is considered quite bad and on top level complicated games too have less than 20 or even 10 centipawn loss
So yeah, it depends on the game and always on how good you are at chess. It's more a measure of how the game went.
@Gingersquirrelnuts said in #2:
> It does matter, but it's not a direct measure of how good you are, that's what your rating and results are for. If you have a quick, sharp game against a challenging opponent with lots of difficult decisions, 50 ACPL is world champion standard. If you have a long slow game where it's hard to blunder anything, 50 ACPL is not so good.

i meant 50 acpl lifetime not one singular game but yeah 50 acpl isnt that good but i have seen 2000+ with like 80 lifetime acpl so thats why i was wondering
@amlakez said in #8:
> i meant 50 acpl lifetime not one singular game but yeah 50 acpl isnt that good but i have seen 2000+ with like 80 lifetime acpl so thats why i was wondering

If you mean lifetime than its very very good for your level as my blitz lifetime acpl is 46 and I am close to 2600
@rimac_c2 said in #9:
> If you mean lifetime than its very very good for your level as my blitz lifetime acpl is 46 and I am close to 2600
oh wow thanks, thats what i needed to know

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