
When is the next 24hr Marathon?

also just looked at the last marathon, and realized how hard it has become to get top 100 in marathon recently. Still remember looking at it 1-2 years ago for a 5+0 marathon and the 100th place had 250 points, now it has almost 100 more -_-

Still determined to hav that trophy in my profile :)
bullets gonna be harder for me cuz one im not so good in it and two there are alot of gud bullet players
Every Saturday on chess.***

I won the last one and even 800 or 900 players have a chance to win it because they usually only get paired against other beginners. On Lichess only very few players have a chance to win. You probably have to berserk a lot and still win most games...
I would only say one thing @jeffforever, that seems like Lichess hates Indians, all the tournament are at the time Indians Sleep, at least you should have a rotating timing for shields.
@Triggered_InsaanOP Lichess doesn't hate Indians/Asians. It's just that we (I don't live in India but i do live in Asia) just so happen to be on the opposite side of the world of U.S., where many strong players who play shields and other high-ranked tourneys live. Hope u understand.
I do think different time zones for each shield would be great, but ig Lichess has its ways :)

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