
I'm addicted!

... to blink. I think everyone around me has that addiction.
We need to stop this.
@WassimBerbar said in #21:
> ... to blink. I think everyone around me has that addiction.
> We need to stop this.

is it bad? awww no what are the side affects????????? i do it HEAPS bro i did it aww man wha do i doooo???????
I'm addicted to breathing
I need to stop or i'll die like everyone
wait you troll boxer, you start a topic and say you addicted and expect response? well should not have been simply> go try another bluez.
We all never asked if you are addicted as well btw.
And no 1 care with your troll responses as well.
Say what you want 2 say or don't mock with users, like you a human android...
@bendmotorindex said in #26:
> right wording is to disturb the band, also we all do not care.

ive never listned to their songs but disturbed is actually a singer/group so i think he did mean disturbed not disturb

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