
Ask Lichess Anything: June 2, 2022

Hi. In the past, there was a section on the Lichess site called "Chess Insight". Why is there no such thing now?
Why is Lichess slow nowadays? Playing in lichess was more fun ealier compare to now.
What is the best thing in lichess?/ Why must players come to lichess?
my question is that why we can join only 50 teams and not more?
@Chessninja482 said in #215:
> Oh ok makes sense but, if people think its annoying, why can't they just turn off teammessages?
> Instead of make a limit for teammessages
So when team leaders make a tournament, will he or select and message all 200 or more members individually?
Um why does the randomness of black and white seem not random. I mean in one match I get black and in the next one I get white. Its like a long chain not really too random. Why?
@zorro2030 said in #221:
> Hi. In the past, there was a section on the Lichess site called "Chess Insight". Why is there no such thing now?

It ́s still available, but you are able to make it private so only you can see it. That means when you go onto your profile you should see your own chess insights.
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