
Some Reasons why lichess needs an update

lichess is nonprofit so they dont have as much money as to get new mods to develop features, they only get money from donations
I think Lichess is great. It's like visiting a small and simple house, but tidy and cosy. And, from time to time, new things appear in this house, a lamp here, a picture there, something that makes us smile.
As I say in #1:lichess is really good and if lichess add some updates it can destroy
For example:the first update it need is to level up the analysis computer (which they did it already)
Second:it really need to add good moves-best moves-book moves and great moves but it only have “inaccuracy”-“mistake”-“blunder” and “brilliant” moves (which brilliant moves are hidden and will not show on computer analysis)
I think this is all. if you guys have any other ideas that why lichess needs an update comment in this website
Please don't make lichess like chessdotcom! The less lichess is like chessdotcom the better.

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