
Computer bots playing chess

I actually asked about the pairing after I ran a test, always reject the first pairing (to avoid the bot) and accept the 2nd. To see if the 2nd opponent would be weaker. They were, but I got suspended. First an hour, then I think it was a day. Whatever. And an email back from support telling me the pairing software was not going to be changed. Kinda proves something is going on.

Yeah, I have 10,000+ games played and the YO YO rating pattern has emerged, the stronger I got the stronger my opponents got but my rating did not really increase.

It's not normal. I think lichess got upset because all rating comparison with showed them 200-300 points higher and they wanted to normalize that. and somehow they have.

There are multiple threads on other sites saying it's gotten harder here over the past 18 months.

So you can accept your evidence or mine but stop pretending there is none. It's there.
@JLee2027 said in #21:
> I actually asked about the pairing after I ran a test, always reject the first pairing (to avoid the bot) and accept the 2nd. To see if the 2nd opponent would be weaker. They were, but I got suspended. First an hour, then I think it was a day. Whatever. And an email back from support telling me the pairing software was not going to be changed. Kinda proves something is going on.
> Yeah, I have 10,000+ games played and the YO YO rating pattern has emerged, the stronger I got the stronger my opponents got but my rating did not really increase.
> It's not normal. I think lichess got upset because all rating comparison with showed them 200-300 points higher and they wanted to normalize that. and somehow they have.
> There are multiple threads on other sites saying it's gotten harder here over the past 18 months.
> So you can accept your evidence or mine but stop pretending there is none. It's there.

Pure conspiracy. You may want to read this:
You never read what I wrote, responded to it, or took it seriously. It is you who have confirmation bias.
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@IncontenentiaButtux said in #24:
> Played against an IM a couple days ago and while no offense towards him he couildn't handle me at about 60% of my usual level of play while 1800's and 1900's play more creatively and self-assured, with a better complete understanding of chess than the IM.
Why did you forget to mention that he was playing 24 other people at the same time? You didn't know how to convert that game and just repeated the moves and got a draw. Why are you trying to make it sound like you won? You need to stop lying to yourself; it isn't good for you.
Flawed logic. The bots are generally considered weaker than humans below the elite level, so you'd be winning more games if they paired you with an equal rated bot.

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