
I found a puzzle with 2 solutions

I’ve asked this question to much better players when I thought or even knew a puzzle has two endings. My 2200 friend says that all the puzzles are checked for accuracy.. they’re not wrong.. you are.. and in a couple of examples I showed where I had a similar situation he explained why the solution was correct.

I learned not to question the solution but why I picked the wrong move.
@mendlero said in #17:
> @Schtaeve
> White cant hold with perfect play if black plays perfect too after ...g2 kxd4 if you open your opening explorer you will see that black is wining or you can check my study about the puzzle where I show the variation after g2 if both sides play perfectly
> (I put the study in the first post)
But if 1...Rd3 then Black doesn't have to play "perfectly" since normal play would mostly guarantee the win whereas after 1...g2. Black has to find accurate moves.
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hello white can even draw if we play g2. Rg3 is mate in 25

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