
Time to quit?

This is a strange thread. What exactly are you waiting for people to say? Play chess because you enjoy it, not in order to improve. Then, improve if you enjoy improving, not for its own sake. Quit if you're simply sick of the game, not because of some moral/fatalistic directive.
P.S. no one is 'too dumb' for chess, unless you can't remember how the pieces move after being told repeatedly(?)
Though,it is a very hard topic to talk about.Also for me it was actual few months ago when i decided to quit chess because i was losing pretty often.Then i took a long break from chess and realised that this game is interesting to play and it has some variants available in lichess.Later i learned more about antichess and atomic chess.(I'm still learning those variants.)

By the way i slowly came back to chess.Though,i'm not playing standard chess very often,but i do sometimes.Now trying to focus on getting better at atomic chess.It's my story how i started to like chess again.What's yours?
You're about 100 points higher in rapid than at the beginning of the year... are you saying that's just luck?
if you would be too 'dumb' to get better than 1500 then your IQ must be lower than that of Forrest Gump. I doubt that is the case. Analyze yourself and find out what you do wrong. That should be easy. It starts to get difficult around 2200.
You aren't having fun. Therefore, the answer is yes.
You claim you read books and spent time with it. But did you study it? Which opening books did you read (author)? Did you understand the openings (I can read latin, but understanding is something different)? Do you have the lines in mind all the time you play (up to the point your opponent decides to back up from theory; that is IF you are an opening specialist the moment you step from theory you have most of the time and advantage already and need only technique to make it work)? Are you sure what you mean by "I did everything"? Since improving by learning theory is possible, but the very worst possible way. It is like learning music by playing the hardest possible pieces until you can do it. You have no idea which style suits you, what kind of player you are, what are your strenghts and weaknesses to built up on.
And also, did you do anything else other than openings? Like endgame study. Can you tell me which rook endgames with pawn up are won, which not? Did you work on how to calculate the right way? Do you know which endgames are good which not? Do you know how to attack, pressure the enemy, how to defend? Do all these phrases sound completely unfamiliar to you?? If the latter case, than blame only yourself. Chess is a deep game and you have to put a large amount of time in the right way to improve. It gives you something back ofc, but not doing the "boring" parts will not make you improve. So if your goal was to be succesfull without investment, quit chess- yes. If you aer into it, get some good books, not opening ones, from good authors. I can suggest you the arthur yussupow ones. But there are surely more. Only a chess coach would be better but not anyone (inculding myself) has enough to pay them on a regular basis.
And finally I have to agree with #11, that is a dubm question itself. It only tells how few you do understand in chess itself
I have to take everything back. In order to help you a bit I did watch your games. It is awful. Not because you play weak, but because you don't realize it. You cannot calculate 2 moves ahead, simple stuff. It is literally seeing how a beginner in chess cries out loud why he cannot improve. It is painful to watch ragerding the disrespectfull thread you started. I did spent 2hours/day for 15 years with chess. I did want to improve and I can be proud of it. I bet all the other titled players did aswell. But you, you did shit. You did nothing, and all you can ask if why you are not improving. You don't work for it, that is the answer. And just the question, why with your ignorance you are not improving is already hurtful to all the players that did work for it and deserve to be good

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