
Fly is called fly because it has wings but if we cut the wings of fly then it will be called walk

@MohammedElasha said in #20:
> you are doing this for human side..
> What's the fault of mosquitoes & flies to be dead for the sake of humans?
> suppose there is no human on earth..
> then spiders would seem evil right?

If there were no humans than spiders would still be heroes especially if mosquitoes are still blood suckers, and speaking of bloodsuckers that spiders eat:

Did you know pesticide-resistant invasive ticks are in America?

I'm speculating on how we got to this point but if they kept using pesticides to kill the ticks and protect cows, which also had the side-effect that the pesticides killed all the spiders and other insects that, also just happen to feed birds-who are probably an even biggest predator for the ticks than spiders-so fewer birds, no spiders, and the ticks are pesticide-resistant, can clone themselves, and kill cows...

Also, a brief PSA: Round Up, and probably other pesticides too, causes cancer so don't use it and if you do go get screened for lymphoma!
@spidersneedlovetoo said in #41:
> If there were no humans than spiders would still be heroes especially if mosquitoes are still blood suckers, and speaking of bloodsuckers that spiders eat:
> Did you know pesticide-resistant invasive ticks are in America?
> I'm speculating on how we got to this point but if they kept using pesticides to kill the ticks and protect cows, which also had the side-effect that the pesticides killed all the spiders and other insects that, also just happen to feed birds-who are probably an even biggest predator for the ticks than spiders-so fewer birds, no spiders, and the ticks are pesticide-resistant, can clone themselves, and kill cows...
> Also, a brief PSA: Round Up, and probably other pesticides too, causes cancer so don't use it and if you do go get screened for lymphoma!

why you love spiders this much?
@spidersneedlovetoo said in #41:
> spiders would still be heroes
oof, i told you, they welcome intruders in their homes to feast on them while the rest of world animals taking their homes as a shield..
plus in family, wife spider kill her husband & make him as food for her babies..
so tell me spider lover, how on earth this can be heroic?
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@four_legs_good said in #45:
> No it doesn't. Try again.
in simple :
Charles Darwin was a British naturalist who proposed the theory of biological evolution by natural selection. Darwin defined evolution as "descent with modification," the idea that species change over time, give rise to new species, and share a common ancestor.
what makes our ancestors (the human ancestor) were not a bacteria or virus or anything like that according to this theory?
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@four_legs_good said in #47:
> @MohammedElasha do you see the difference between "our ancestors were unicellular organisms" and "we are unicellular organisms"? Are you your ancestor?
Say your name quadruple..
of course your father is not you, but you & your father share common characteristics
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