
Fly is called fly because it has wings but if we cut the wings of fly then it will be called walk

@spidersneedlovetoo said in #50:
> Did you not read the part about the cow-killing ticks?
Once upon a time, a mosquito killed a lion. Mighty mosquito entered the lion's nose and neutralised the headquarters of the lion brain. Despite their tiny size, mosquitos are real nightmares to deal with. F tier.
About the title, fly is called fly because it can fly, but if we give it limbs allowing for water movement it's called "swim". If we give it a brain, it's called "nerd". If we give it a gun and a brain, it's called "soldier".

Never try to guess how it's called if you give it genital parts.
so to answer yr Question on
@four_legs_good said in #40:
> If you're not an animal, you're clearly not a plant or a fungus, I doubt that you are a protist, so are you telling me you're a bacteria?
one would say yes right?
yes? no? maybe?
@WassimBerbar said in #51:
> Once upon a time, a mosquito killed a lion. Mighty mosquito entered the lion's nose and neutralised the headquarters of the lion brain. Despite their tiny size, mosquitos are real nightmares to deal with. F tier.
that's the king Nimrod
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@four_legs_good said in #56:
> The brain is not necessary.
Yes it is, how do you control its shooting rate? If you give a fly just a gun, it's called "apache helicopter".
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