
Holi Special: What are you doing in your celebration of Holi

@vk82 said in #10:
> Exactly that's what we did in school and also making aim with ballons. Lol
2 years back my friends did that to me yesterday was last exam and I knew Same gonna happen so lol I escaped from back door of school and my friends be like " will see you when u come back " in online lol
> 2 years back my friends did that to me yesterday was last exam and I knew Same gonna happen so lol I escaped from back door of school and my friends be like " will see you when u come back " in online lol

Your Friends be like- "Mai Jhukega Nhi Saala"
Just as my profile says, I am gonna sit down, relax, enjoy and develop programs. The innocent and excites people in my neighborhood will be busy throwing colors at me!

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