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I played one game on Although I am rated lower on i,e around 1600. given me rating of 2450 which is actually an I.M rating. Also the rating I find out based on single gameplay is quite accurate. Can a average chess player play best of chess sometimes. If you guys insist I can also share you the link of my game... What is your take on this guy's.
Are you a premium member? That could explain why you play like a genius in their eyes. ;)
@Hellochess987 said in #1:
> Also the rating I find out based on single gameplay is quite accurate.
Obviously, a rating based on one game is complete nonsense.
no, no, they are in fact quite accurate, most of the time. here's how you know when it works, and when it does not work:

rated 1600 on chesscom => plays one game, game gets rated 2450 => rating on single gameplay is quite accurate
rated 1600 on chesscom => plays one game, game gets rated 750 => rating on single gameplay is nonsense
This site has a ton of fancy features for their paid members.
@sheckley666 no it is accurate done with the help of stockfish.. performance rating based on chess gameplay, not a person's overall rating
@glbert you actually doesn't understand my post.. I have played around 900 rated games on I am here actually talking about of my performance rating based on a single gameplay not a overall my personal chess rating.
@Hellochess987 said in #9:
> @glbert you actually doesn't understand my post.. I have played around 900 rated games on I am here actually talking about of my performance rating based on a single gameplay not a overall my personal chess rating.

i understood that perfectly, so aaaaactually *you* do not understand *my* post.

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