
Not receiving email when requesting a password change

I have another account which I have forgotten the password for. I have requested to reset the password several times but I have never received an email from Lichess. I always look in every folder of my email every time I have requested it. Has anyone else had a similar experience? If so did you manage to change your password?
@Chessmanovich said in #1:
> Hello,
> I have another account which I have forgotten the password for. I have requested to reset the password several times but I have never received an email from Lichess. I always look in every folder of my email every time I have requested it. Has anyone else had a similar experience? If so did you manage to change your password?

are you sure you checking the right email
hit refresh when you send it and also check spam and junk
make sure you have not blocked lichess email
are you sure you used x email to make the account
Thank you but I have tried all of this. I know I have an account associated with the email since I can not create a new account with that email.
Send an email to from the email associated to your account.

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