
Why lichess doesn't accept corespondece titles?

Ok I understand that @ germancio is correspondence GM not OTB one,but he is still GM.Why lichess doesn't accept his title?
Lichess doesn’t support people who accelerate global warming by running hundreds of computers all day, all night in order to become corr. GM. Quoting Nigel Short: obsolete nowadays

(Well, in my opininion. :) )
A correspondence GM is like a person who can do math with wolfram-alpha really well.
It is 100% correct that there are no trophies in Correspondence.
Also , there is no Leaderboard.
Fates2 Post is not about Leaderboard or trophies, It's about a FIDE player with a GM title who is not accepted by Lichess.
In order to have a title displayed next to your name, you have to:
1. Have a real life FIDE title or a national master title from your chess federation
2. Verify your account; see
ICCF is part FIDE and FIDE support them to organise world correspondence championship and give titles.Since FIDE accept that ,Lichess should accept too.
CM @Sargon According Kasparov human+machine vs human + machine is the modern form of correspondence chess.ICCF allow engines because they cannot be policed.
If ICCF is part of FIDE then why doesn't FIDE display ICCF titles on player profiles on their website ?

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