
I never thought I would need to know this endgame

Reminiscent of Karjakin - Sevian, Isle of Man 2018:

This is one of those endgames you get once in a lifetime if ever at all. From what I remember it is important, that the pawn is not too far advanced already.

If memory doesn't fail me, there is at least one YouTube video that explains the winning technique.

For those who don't mind the green pawn site:
@Sefegiru said in #2:

> This is one of those endgames you get once in a lifetime if ever at all.

Actually, Lilienthal (I think it was) got it at least three times...and failed to win each time, according to Botvinnik.
It is an endgame I ignored to practice. Isn't it too long for the 50 move rule in the general case? Also, you get it so seldom that the time practicing is better used for other (chess) practice. Being a tiny bit better tactically, for instance, gives more victories in the long run.
I'm not mastered this endgame yet, but at least i want to share my experience when i mastered bishop & knight mate.

First of all, i figured out that bishop & knight mate require a long progress, so it need accurate play to avoid 50 move rules. Then i googling and found W method & triangulation method (in this case, you need troitsky line). After found, i set the board on checkmated position, then rewind it. For example, i set black king on a8, LSB on b7, knight on b6 or c7, and white king on c6. This case, LSB delivered checkmate, so i should move it. If i move LSB to c8 or a6, black king should came from a7 or b8, which mean the knight should check first before it's mate, and so on.

I also tried set black king on h8, white king & first knight on f7 or g6, and second knight on f6. I rewind the first knight to every troitsky line possibility (for example, it need 3 - 4 turn to reach a file, which mean it still fine if black pawn on a5 a6 a7, so i need to rewind the first knight to a4 a5 a6, depending to black pawn's position). And now i'm in progress to figure out how to force the king to corner.

This learning method are complicated. It need high focus to understand how to force, since you'll confused who's turn to rewind (i recommend doing it OTB, so you truly understand the reason of every move both side makes). But if it success, you just need to practice with computer to master it. Your rating are higher than me, so i believe you can do it.

Hopefully helps!
You cant win. 2N + K vs K is a not a forced mate. There are always 2 fly squares in the corner. The only real way to win is if the opponent choose the bad one. Which he wont.

The only thing white has to do is to hang on the center, entertaining 1 piece with the defense of the pawn. The moment the piece leaves, the pawn advances. He has to go back and take it, leading you to the non forced mate position.

This position is not worth studying at all.

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