
Which rating indicates a "chess nerd" already? Above 2000?

Let's say a "normal" chess-interested person occasionally plays blitz/bullet on lichess... say about 5 games a day on average. Besides that he virtually spends no other time on training or studying chess. Given that, his rating would hardly climb over a certain treshhold, even after years - let's assume something around 1700-1800?

Which rating than would strongly indicate a "chess nerd" - I mean a person, who dedicates substantial time to chess? I would guess something around 2000 and upward. Or is it above 2200?

Which rating treshhold indicates a person, which is practically fully dedicated to chess? So hardly other hobbies play a role in daily life?

curious greetings :)
Actually I got a scientific R&D job (physics, chemistry, biology), many hobbies (mountainbiking, swimming, hiking, jogging, fishing, mechanical watches, my red Porsche :) ).

Chess is just another leisure. Nerd? Geek? whatever. I say TY, guys!
@AdobeAtom Rating doesn't necessarily indicates one's dedication to chess, at least not in my case. I barely spend a few hours a week on chess, just for funny games and puzzles. No opening repertoire, no theoretic lines, no training, no chess lectures. However, more than twenty years ago I was really dedicated to the game, reading chess books every day but this is a long forgotten story. A person which is practically fully dedicated to chess (let's say eight hours a day or more) for a couple of years should be a GM.
Master Sarg0n...Your varied interests and abilities shows how your mind stability you posses..
Come on, let's face it. You play chess, you're nerd. Deal with it.
OK from the other end of the rating pool, ... I'd say USCF 1500 is attainable by most through play and maybe 1 primer but 1700 means one is either very gifted or studies chess books [with high probability]. So I'd say it starts between 1500&1700 USCF. Maybe when you start buying opening books?

As for nerd or not ... who cares? I recall the very moment I realized I wasnt cool & would never be. I was with 2 friends on an island camping on the beach illegally, spearfishing all day, eating what we caught and running from the police, We walked into a local dance club one evening. Looking at them dancing and then at us it struck me. I suddenly felt completely free to not care and do what I liked!
If you see a board, Stop and linger, then refuse to budge and end up sitting there playing games, ignoring everything else, not saying a word, you're a chess nerd for sure.

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