
Psychology into Incremental Time - Is a 5sec incr acceptable for quality Standard Classical

How much Increment for 60/60 Games should be the Standard for Quality Chess:

1. (5 Seconds)
2. (10 Seconds)
3. (20 Seconds)
4. (30 Seconds)
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For a classical time control, anything less than 30 seconds of increment is not professional.
well then you need to define accuracy. But in classical chess 30 second sis the normal increment (real classical not lichess classical) and having at less than minute per move can lead to trouble. So 30 seconds is enough assuming basic time is long enough
@Kenny1904 said in #3:
> Accuracy

The curse of concision versus precision, and the assumption that all words are as well defined in others as it might be in oneself, and if so, overlapping exactly our own.

Since there was the word psychology in title, I would suggest less absolute looking words like quality or accuracy, and more portable words like, best conducive to an individual ablity to extract information for each game experienced toward future improvement in certain chess playing parameters (not necessarily the same as the one under question, but why not to start with). Ok compounded tangential diversion, is it acceptable to op? or others? Which is more pedagogical (instead of quality and accuracy). Or more informative per game event....

M'y bet, would be: and it might be frustrating: "it depends!". on the individual. psychological traits are not mono-genic, and I would think that chess is borrowing from many traits, even if restricted to the cognitive flavor, so that one should expect a continuum of diversity in the online population. qui dit mieux?

Well, I guess, the op question could be also understood without pedagogical objectives, and simply for optimal abilility of an inidividual to play its best chess. Same answer though. It is pretty clear from my subjective personal experience, and I think most people would agree that time control is almost a third player or extra rule-set on core chess rules that affects different inidividuals in different ways. And that is assuming individuals are constant in abilities and their application on the battlefield, sorry I mean in chess games.
@Dario19503 said in #5:
> For a classical time control, anything less than 30 seconds of increment is not professional.

Thanks for the answer i was looking for.

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