
How long are blog posts saved?

I didn't count either, I get what you mean no worries. Mainly... I did not know they were "most read." That is cool to know.
yep. save all the markdown.. you might even want to make a github repository (that way, you could even have extra stuff there, that you might find, too much to put in a blog, or verbalize fully, or not yet, and you would think would add to the learner autonomous development for your blog introductions to your particular angle of chess theory sharing.

There are other repositories on github where source code is not actually needing compiler to have full audience reach.

It lends itself very well to reproducible scientific papers repository for certain files of science, which can actually do that. I thought chess, and maybe eventually chess theory of learning experiments could also go that way.

It seems you think a lot about methods of communciation of chess knowledge, and use your imagination to build models (or theories). I have seeni "layering", and before that, pushing the terminology envelopped to support contexting with actuall position context specifics.

The markdown there might be more expressive than here. So, maybe do not go full expressive there. But as repository of lichess blog. It might work. And it might have more access that way.. You could even have some more chunking, and non-lichess blog versions..

But, do keep the markdown source code from lichess. I hoard evertying I see on lichess, or any of my rambles.. even those I chicken out of keeping up.
And most read or not, on lichess, once hooked, there on GitHub, one can have automatic email notifications via their account there (which can keep actual email behind a privacy barrier, if handling the settings to that effect). issues and discussion there are great infrastructure to have content addressable exchanges with your interested discussion partners, or flock of followers that can challenge you positively. You can stay the owner of all of that.. I have had a good experience of that aspect. Editable posts for ever, no restrictions on appropriate hyperlinking to meaningful backreferences or even forward references when one topic let another one emerge..

Only thing, are the links strings on issues not containing themselves a clue about the content.. but markdown the pair of titles and links and voilà. In forum on lichess one can't do that, but often do not need to, the URLs (not the browsable search pages, which use redirect links which might lose linkage after some time) are having some content clues in them.
Doesn't Github require technical knowledge? This is knowledge I don't have. I only barely understand Github and its use.
If you don't want to do anything "fancy", the easiest way is just to use GitHub through the web interface and edit the Markdown files from the browser.

No knowledge of Git required.

1. Sign in.
2. "Create a new repo".
3. Click on "Add file". Name it something reasonable, like "content/post/".
4. Write some text. Drag and drop to insert images.
5. Click on "Commit changes" to save.
6. Maybe add a link to your file on the main just so people can see it. To create a link, just write: [10 Pin Defenses](./content/post/


If you want to move/delete/rename files, you can also do this through the web interface by pressing the "." key or by changing the URL to

Note that this is not a proper blog yet -- it's just a bunch of files that people can look at. If you want to use GitHub as a blogging platform ("GitHub Pages"), there's a few more steps required to set things up. Once it's set up, though, the process is basically just the same. If you want to avoid writing any code, you can either (i) ask someone to help you set up the blog, or (ii) find a blog you like (usually hosted on, and then "fork" its repository, delete all the posts, and then write your own, or (iii) I think GitHub might also provide a way to set up a Jeykll GitHub Pages site without writing any code, too.
I see.

My current options for my blog are here, substack, one of the 2 websites I run, or apparently GitHub.
@sicariusnoctis said in #15:
> If you don't want to do anything "fancy", the easiest way is just to use GitHub through the web interface and edit the Markdown files from the browser.
> No knowledge of Git required.
> 1. Sign in.
> 2. "Create a new repo".
> 3. Click on "Add file". Name it something reasonable, like "content/post/".
> 4. Write some text. Drag and drop to insert images.
> 5. Click on "Commit changes" to save.
> 6. Maybe add a link to your file on the main just so people can see it. To create a link, just write: [10 Pin Defenses](./content/post/
> Done!
> If you want to move/delete/rename files, you can also do this through the web interface by pressing the "." key or by changing the URL to
> Note that this is not a proper blog yet -- it's just a bunch of files that people can look at. If you want to use GitHub as a blogging platform ("GitHub Pages"), there's a few more steps required to set things up. Once it's set up, though, the process is basically just the same. If you want to avoid writing any code, you can either (i) ask someone to help you set up the blog, or (ii) find a blog you like (usually hosted on, and then "fork" its repository, delete all the posts, and then write your own, or (iii) I think GitHub might also provide a way to set up a Jeykll GitHub Pages site without writing any code, too.

really nice explained! I myself use(and love) GitHub! I am atm making a blog on it but; a bit slow; anyway, nice to see GitHub being mentioned here!

Peace! ^_^

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