
Does chess boxing sound like a good sport to you? would you want to make some?

Chessboxing, of chess and boxing, is a hybrid sport that mixes boxing and chess. WCBO is the governing body for this sport that began in the 2000s.
It sounds like a pretty stupid thing to me. I do hope they keep wearing their boxing cloves, and strictly adhere to the touching piece rule.

As for the question "would you want to make some?", I have no idea what you want to ask.
@Abigail-III said in #4:
> Cela me semble une chose assez stupide. J'espère qu'ils continueront à porter leurs clous de girofle de boxe et qu'ils adhéreront strictement à la règle des pièces touchantes.
> Quant à la question "vouleriez-vous en faire ?", je n'ai aucune idée de ce que vous voulez demander.

I don't see why it's stupid, it's one of the hybrid sports that is developing the most, chess is not so Olympic but chessboxing will perhaps be an Olympic sport in 2028 ... The sport respects the chess and boxing rules.
@loma2004 said in #6:
> I don't see why it's stupid, it's one of the hybrid sports that is developing the most, chess is not so Olympic but chessboxing will perhaps be an Olympic sport in 2028 ... The sport respects the chess and boxing rules.

Can you quantify "one of the hybrid sports that is developing the most"? Otherwise, it belong to this long, long list of sports which claim to be developing/growing "the most".

The Wikipedia article writes:

> Terry Marsh is the first professional boxer to compete in chessboxing and has competed in three fights since June 2014 in London and still remains unbeaten in his career.

A "sport" were one of the major participants has played no more than three matches in the last seven years doesn't strike me as a something which is seeing a major growth.
@Dragon-Emperor said in #8:
> > Chess cricket seems a good idea.
> How would it be played?

One of the fielders plays a simul against all players of the batting side (except the two batters). Each win of the fielder translates to a fallen wicket.

Time control depends on the cricket format. 20/20 cricket used rapid time controls. One day cricket uses classical time control. Test matches use even longer time controls.

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