
Why does Lichess condone homophobia?

My sexuality has not been mentioned, and has not been established. This was an unprovoked homophobic comment, the person who made does not know my sexuality, and I am assuming this was something said to cause an uncomfortable reaction. I am glad you were happy to 'keep things to yourself', but in the context of this post has no relevance. My point of reporting this, and of posting here was to ask Lichess why they appear to condone this behaviour. You will note, I have also made no comment as to any effect this had on me, I simply do not like the thoughts of anyone being abused, and although you may well disagree with me on many things, I would hope doing the best to stop online abuse is something we can agree on
"I'd rather have a knight in the endgame because of its ability to attack or defend pawns on either coloured squares.
>Also some bishops look like d*cks and I like horses more than d*cks. Just personal preference."


I think Dr Freud should take a look at this...
@Sarg0n How long do you think is an acceptable time to wait? I ask because you seem to have assumed I have come straight here without attempting any other methods. Obviously you could have asked me where I was in the process, but you appear to prefer showing of your Latin.
My sexuality has neither been mentioned, or is an issue for discussion, and was not the point of my original comment. The point of my comment was that I have reported it several times, and nothing had been done, so I asked the question here and am now awaiting an answer.
You may disagree with me on many things, but if you condone homophobic abuse then we are too far apart to see common ground, quod turpe esset, but you can't win them all
I am not discussing my sexual orientation, I have made no mention of it, or given any clues as to what it may be. The point being discussed, is this; does Lichess condone homophobic abuse.....nothing more. nothing less.
@J-L-Picard we still need to resolve why you say you reported but a mod says you didn't. Mods don't lie about this, contrary to some people's belief
I really seem to have caused a lot of issues for some people. It's a shame this needs to be clarified, but here goes.

I did not engage in discussion with this person, I was not trying to court a lover, I have no idea the sex of the other player, I am not bothered by this, but I am bothered by homophobic abuse in ANY form by anyone. I would be equally annoyed with other form of abuse if the comment was bad enough. This is a chess website, and people should be free to play chess without abuse.

Now, does my sexuality, which I have still not discussed, confirmed/denied or even hinted at, come into this at all, because I simply can't see it
Which is why I made my original post, I would like to know why this hasn't been dealt with, and hopefully I will discuss this further with a moderator

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