
Is frequent forfeiting acceptable?

Yeah, who came up with this ridiculous idea of unsportmanship for these situations?

You see FIDE players resign in tournaments when they know the have lost and nobody has ever called that unsportmanship. If a commentator were to say that about an OTB tournament I would have a good laugh.
That is right. If you play (for example) a slow game and you give away you queen. It would have no sense to play on because that would only be a waste of time.
It is not bad sportsmanship. It is common and accepted practice in chess.

That said, I personally also prefer to play until mate, because people do make mistakes, and you never know what might happen. And also, it is satisfactory to get to play out that beautiful mate you've been preparing.
A chess forfeit can be when a player does not play their first move in time. It is also when they let their clock run down to zero instead of playing their next move. Then again, a game that ends with the clock is won by forfeit. So, expect more forfeits in speed chess.
In chess we only have two options, either make our move or forfeit the game. I think there is more frequent moves than frequent forfeits. So it is all acceptable since one way or another, the game will end within the expected preset time limits. Do players really need to justify why they forfeited a particular game?
I looked at the games of the one who opened this, it mostly resigns... that is why I am talking about resigns, not aborts... He wants his opponents to stay 'till checkmate....
The arena tournament rewards the players that get more winning games in the tournament. Forfeiting a losing game helps increase your chances of winning more games. Therefore, it seems obviously acceptable to forfeit games in an arena tournament.
Of course with my posts #2 to #4 i referred to situations where the player leaves the game without resigning. That is bad sportmanship.

resigning is of course absolutely acceptable and good sportmanship.
@Linnemann ok, we agree... it's just we were talking about different things :)
Ofc leaving without resigning is awful and childish (I dont want to use strong language)

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