
How to improve the Simul for next time

Hello !

So after the Simul we had yesterday I would like to have your thoughts of how you would have feel it could be even better. I'm asking here as a Twitch viewer and a player point of view ( even if I hardly imagine how can it be better or worse for the player :) ). Anyway it's important to me to know if the people enjoyed playing !

As I understand there were so many boards that it was hard to follow my thoughts, also the chat was not working for a long time and it just made things worse. People asked me there to add a little scoresheet of the Simul for the newcomers to keep track, I think its a great idea and I will implement that. I'm sure you will come with some other ideas on this part.

What would be very cool next time, is that people would write on forums or Social Media they are actually participating the simul. It would surely increase the number of people watching the stream and the popularity of . Also maybe we should hold a couple of threads on big forums to get people from other website ?

For those who did not see the simul I will highlight it on Twitch tonight and share the link on this thread.

Thank you for your valuable help

you cant think for every move most 5 sec but other pepole can think5minfor each game but we know time is more important than all thing next time play with each player on tourement .you lost ure rate last night
Don't know if this is possible, but could it be set to rotate to the next game board in a sequential order? And even if a player has made his move already, the move will not be made on your board until the game has come up again?

These were the two things I found a bit confusing. Also maybe a little diagram to show how many boards are being played and which is the current game.

But I came in the middle so maybe that's why it was hard to keep track.
Well yes your ideas are good, BUT, those asks a lot of programming for Thibault and this is rightly not a priority for the moment ! So it's not possible to implement for the moment.

About the move I did enable the green lights on the second part of the stream to see the last move of the opponent.

Next time I will get a scoresheet on the screen with the numbers of games, and the actual results !
I have a tip for you Kevin, use ctrl+tab to switch between tabs (boards), so you don't have to use your mouse all the time. Hope this helps. Thanks for givings us an opportunity to play you, and I'm looking forward to new simulis. If something crosses my mind, on the topic of improving the simuli, I will surely post it here.
Best regards.
How many leanguages You speak?
Maybe comment in Russian leanguage for Russian people,
They like to know something good about their game,most colors of Stream,
Scoresheet on the screen is really nice Idea,
You have nice room,Maybe it would be nice to invited special Guest to better comment Stream...Have You any contacts with Great Russian Players?In Moscow is many hard Players
On my mind only-free point, better position,no one about Opening
For me, that played the simul against you, it was really good, I took the game very seriously and I was trying to draw with you really hard. Since I was playing for real, I actually muted the streaming and concentrated on the game. So from a player point of view, I think it was really good. And different from a real simul, we had plenty of time to move (90 min), raising our chances, while in the real thing we have to move when the player get in front of you in the board. That makes the games much more interesting and competitive.

I really hope that other strong players do the same and we can have a plenty of simuls here. It is fun and instructive for weaker players, and for stronger players, a bit of a challenge and a way to interact with the community. It is truly a chess party and a way to recognize the strong players talents!

I was very happy and surprised that, despite of being rated only 1400 here, I could manage to have a small advantage until 15th move against Kevin, and then he started to finish me off (hehe), but only that small victory of mine is a huge encouragement.

From the viewer's point of view, well, I could watch a little bit the end of the simul (after I lost) and it was pretty ok, with Kevin making his comments and the games really clear on the screen. What else could be better? Probably a lot, but the most important was made.
When is the next simul? I want to stay with the "weak players". :D
@ Gabrr82 thank you for the feedback !

@AbdAlSalam I will let you know when will be the next simul ( for the moment plan to hold one every 3 months ). You can watch the stream any Monday 19GMT
The problem is that we do not see the mouse cursor when changing chessboard. The easiest way would be to make visible tabs browser. So we will know how many active chessboard there and when it is your turn to play.

Also must make your interface in English for the most part.
In my case, the dark theme makes more visible the interface elements (cursor, writtings, etc...)


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