
What happens if an Elo1400 FIDE player always loses?

If a FIDE player plays so badly, and always loses after he/she get the initial 1400 rating.

Can his/her rating be reduced to lower than 1400? Is there a lower limit for this?

Will his/her right to be rated be deprived, or paused, if there are too many (decent) loses?
@Cheshire_the_Maomao said in #1:
> If a FIDE player plays so badly, and always loses after he/she get the initial 1400 rating.
1400 is not "the initial rating", it's the "rating floor", i.e. minimum rating you need to have to be listed as rated. The initial rating is the rating performance calculated from one's games once he/she has at least five rated games and the performance is at least 1400.

> Can his/her rating be reduced to lower than 1400? Is there a lower limit for this?
See (article 7.2.1):
> Players whose ratings drop below 1400 are shown as unrated on the next list. Thereafter they are treated in the same manner as any other unrated player.