
Stop resigning when you loose your queen

I don't know if people with higher elo do this but since I started playing till now (1240) people tend to resign when they get their queen captured either early on the game or in the middle game.
I have won many games where I have lost my queen and I think it is bad to resign just because you lost your queen.
*******LOSE, omg what have I done.
People do this because the don't have any chance to win on that way without the queen, so they resign. Maybe you win your games without the queen because you won on time, make a queen sacrifice or maybe because your opponents blunder a mate combination, but it depends, I mean: A queen blunder and a queen sacrifice aren't the same, when I blunder my queen I always resign because I know that there isn't any compensation, also you can exchange a queen for 2 rooks or for 1 rook and 2 minor pieces.
I hope I've helped you :D
resigning when you lose material is a sign of respect to your opponent imo. its saying "i know you can convert this to a victory. good job. lets save some time"
@ChessImpostor I am talking about early resignations, in the opening or in the beginning of the middle game, I have won multiple games without a queen where I blundered and lost her but I still managed to turn the game around and some times capture the opponents queen too in the next 10 moves. I am not talking about being in the endgame and getting checkmated by 2 rooks or a rook and a queen.

@MattAttack57 yes I get that but I think that resigning early in a game doesn't help you become a better player. Especially if you have more active pieces than your opponent.

I totally agree with you. If you do a cost-benefit analysis of not resigning when you lose your queen for little to no compensation, it's obvious that you're wasting a huge amount of time that would be better spent moving on to another game. Even above 2000 there are a lot of guys who play to mate in ridiculous positions and I agree with you that it's disrespectful. Personally, if I blunder a minor piece with no compensation I resign on the spot. It's a strange attitude toward life and chess when you're so ravenous for rating points that you play hundreds of absurd games in order to get 1 or 2 miracles. My theory is that chess players, more than the players of any other game, are horribly bad losers and I think they play on in goofy positions to IRRITATE.
Welcome to the world's oldest thread topic (with the world's oldest misspell in it)...
I honestly think that resigning when you lose something is a serious problem and it needs to be solved. When you loose your queen and then resign, it cheats the other person out of an otherwise fair victory. Even if you do lose your queen, you can still win. Lichess should implement a penalty for resigning. Maybe a larger point drop, or a 1-hour ban. Resigning for no reason is very bad. SERIOUSLY PEOPLE, DON'T DO THIS
When I lose a queen I play like SF12

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