
Stylus red style

Hello chess friend,

I want to have a special red style of the chess board. The preinstaled "red" style is not my favourite.

Also tried the plugin Stylus but didnt find a red Background image and could not edit the css.
Something like this code didnt work:
.olive .is2d cg-board, #top div.color_demo.olive
background-image: url("");

Would appreciate if someone can help ;)
Thank you in advance!!
It work for some areas of lichess.
Somehow for analysis or puzzles the background is transparent/white.

In the "console" there is a error:
GET http://url....

Is it normal?

thank you in advance!
@Krukulu for playing and watching games it works.

I just need it for analysis. It looks like lichess block this url for the analysis section :(
@Bazinga87 #3 I have the same issue with the puzzle board. My guess is that these styles are written using JavaScript, so they overwrite the pure CSS styles you gave to them. I didn't test, but using an add-on like Tampermonkey you can write them using JavaScript, with a small timeout. That should work.

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