
You're reported (forum game feat. Mr Deletional)

Make up a funny excuse to report the person above you. Then delete your message.
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Is this the first time you guys have to deal with such a clown? Unfortunately I just recently found out about this place ... I'm only on Lichess because a friend of mine recommended it to me, and I must say: Never before had I so much fun. I should have signed up years before!
@BautznerSenfkorn said in #7:
> Is this the first time you guys have to deal with such a clown? Unfortunately I just recently found out about this place ... I'm only on Lichess because a friend of mine recommended it to me, and I must say: Never before had I so much fun. I should have signed up years before!
you're reported for calling someone ( who knows who) a clown as a clown is a word that has a very high dignity and you are not supposed to call mere human beings clown
- international galactical king/queen

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