@LegendaryQueen is banned for banning someone who banned and the they got banned again and then they banned the person who banned them.
@Mystkk is banned for writing a confusing post!!*which is not confusing....tho*
@LegendaryQueen Is banned because reasons!
@shadow1414 is banned for not mentioning reasons!
@LegendaryQueen Is banned for lying because I did mention reasons!
@shadow1414 is banned for not rickrolling @Mystkk yet!!
@LegendaryQueen Is banned for playing on lichess
@pUrpLegReeNniNga is banned for not misspelling banned.
@pUrpLegReeNniNga is banned for being "wanted" since 028265353443526672828292 days !!lol
@LegendaryQueen is banned for not being a legendary queen.
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