
Your rarest trait?

writer's callus on the middle finger of the right hand

impacted tooth (a molar that never came out on the left side of my lower jaw)

greek foot

perfect pitch
I can use left hand just like my right hand. So I can do multitasking with both the hands!
@Rainbow_Pink_Lover said in #7:
> I can use left hand just like my right hand. So I can do multitasking with both the hands!
Omgggggg... For like reallll...???

So you can write with both hands too?
@HailstormChessPlayer said in #8:
> So you can write with both hands too?
Yeah, but my handwriting in my right hand in better than the left hand because I use my right hand more for writing. But I can still write with both hands.
I can bend my thumb to the back of my hand

I can bend my feet sideways both ways

I can bend my pinky on top of all of my other fingers

I can touch my wrist (same hand) with all my fingers

Now that's a flex (literally)