
Your favorite Milk?

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@Akbar2thegreat said in #12:
> Goat milk is scientifically better than that of any other animal.

But this dodges the question.

We know we're trying to find the milk that is the greatest of all time, but which animal...?

(Before the flood of dislikes I am only joking :))))) ^^ ... :D I know he means the nimble, chewy kind of goat.)
@Akbar2thegreat said in #12:
> Goat milk is scientifically better than that of any other animal.

You'd just need an enourmous amount of goats to get milk enough if you only used goats.

A cow can give 32 litres of milk a day.
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The call it Almond milk, because the marketing department rejected nut juice.
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