
Your earliest memories

When I was 5-6 months old we took a trip to Key West and the very first thing I can remember is seeing dolphins jumping.
Actually black and white so they were Atlantic porpoises but for some reason it made an impression on my young mind .

My second oldest was being at the beach(I don't know how old I was but I was still in diapers) I was marveling at the colors and shapes in a handful of sand when a wave dumped me on my butt and I got saltwater in my eyes .
I learned early the sea is a harsh mistress.

What about you?
1) An ear infection. The doctor poked something in there and I let out a screech.

2) The JFK funeral.
my earliest memory was a dream/nightmare where there was a like computer robot thing and it was scary i was like under 5 years old at my guess
When I was very young, I used to pee behind the door of the living room. Not anymore, fortunately.
Its almost funny how the correlation of memories tends to get more vague with time, without memory reinforcement. Whereas my most vivid memory has to do with my thoughts right now!

It makes me think there is a point to remembering up to the point where we forget. Why is this so? It's not like forgiveness is forgetfulness and remembering the data is always most relevant, as we go on living our lives. However, this might explain why I can't forgive the alphabet for existing - being able to remember it to this day, but I cant remember the classmates in that same kindergarten class, not having those memories reinforced after a certain point in my childhood.
I remember being lost in the Maine woods for 4 hours alone in the freezing cold at like age 4
How do you all remember that? The earliest memory I have is when I was like 7 or 8, maybe later.

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