
Your earliest memories

when I was 4 years old and we all went to bed in the middle of the day, I kept getting out of bed with a friend (I didn't want to sleep almost always) and talking quietly with him, and when the teacher came, I pretended to be asleep and laughed all the time.
I hardly remember anything from my early childhood.
But as far as I can possibly try to remember, I know that when I was aged about 3 or 4, I used to move all round in a circle when I had the urge of pressure to empty my stomach!
I saw a light at the end of a slimey tunnel ..........

and the next thing I remember was some guy with a mask on spanking my ass.
Imma talk about child memories instead of chess. yay. I remember my dad putting a new floor in. Can't seem to remember much past that. yay. I didn't play chess on a chess website.

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