
World Bee Day

The Bees are starving because humans trade their honey produced by hard labor. Say No to Honey trade and consumption. Use other sweetener products like cane sugar and corn syrup.
So if all the bees die out, will it really be that big of a problem? Every one of us will be dead by three, and if Elon has his way, we’ll all be living on a planet without bees. So in the grand scheme of life, do bees even matter? Couldn’t we adapt and survive?
Do they really tho? Is it really a problem to bumble with the bees?
we could mutate and survive wolf but you do realise that normal folk like us arent going to get into elons ark dont you ,
so we are kinda stuck here on a planet polluted and ravaged by multinatioal companies whose ceos are even now trying to get tickets on the mars express like naughty kids who make a mess and expect others ie us to put up with cleaning it up whilst they go and mess up another planet
If I die, I die. It doesn’t really matter how long I live.
If you want to stop using weedicides and pesticides on commercial crops, get ready to either starve or die fighting for food.
The BIG danger to bees is the Varroa mite. There is a huge research effort happening to combat it.
Apiarists work closely with orchardists to protect bees from harm due to spraying.
The sharp decline in bee populations world-wide is arguably the most serious threat to food production right now.
It even impacts backyard growers. Ten years ago there were hundreds of bees active in my yard... now we think it remarkable to see 4 or 5 at work.

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