
Wizards suck

@Noflaps said in #25:
> Well, @twighead, "Merlin" is a much better guess than "Madonna." Yet ... no.
> Long ago, I had a friend on another chess server. His handle began with M. He was quite clever, and we would debate the topics of the day.
> Of course, since he was a friend on the internet, I never really knew his real name or met him in real life, although it would have been an honor to do so. He lived far, far away.
> The internet is a strange and wonderful place. Like Oklahoma.

I thought it was another wizard : Diego Armando...
@Noflaps said in #25:
> Well, @twighead, "Merlin" is a much better guess than "Madonna." Yet ... no.
> Long ago, I had a friend on another chess server. His handle began with M. He was quite clever, and we would debate the topics of the day.
> Of course, since he was a friend on the internet, I never really knew his real name or met him in real life, although it would have been an honor to do so. He lived far, far away.
> The internet is a strange and wonderful place. Like Oklahoma.
Cleverness is one of the primary attributes of wizardry, you should drop in on one of our grand councils some time! Although we don't have any crystal caves in Oklahoma anymore (fracking made things fall on our heads too often) we do have branches in New Mexico, Iowa, Wyoming, California, Oregon, and Washington.
Slowly but surely my slight feeling grows.
What began as a weed now matures toward a rose.

Is it yet another miracle?

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