
Who will Harris choose?

I was gonna say Dwayne Johnson but I don't think he'd take the pay cut.
Harris / Pence 2024 ! Wow, style AND substance!
I don't know why I still wander into off topic given it's turning into even more of a political cesspool but, and pardon me for trying to be funny, I read some of these "who will" blah-blah political post conversation starters and I can no longer resist, so, here goes:


There. I said it. Probably got it out of my system for the time being.
@Jchess202 said in #1:
> I’m guessing a heterosexual male.
Seems likely: as much as Harris / Whitmer or Harris / Buttigieg would be strongest in terms of political talent, I don't think the country is ready for an all-female ticket or a coloured woman / white gay male ticket.

Josh Shapiro seems the most likely, but they'd have to figure out what that means for their stance on Israel / Palestine / Gaza.

I hope they don't choose Mark Kelly: I think he's too much like JD Vance: great on paper, but lacks charisma in person + on screen.

Andy Beshear and Roy Cooper aren't from states that are as close as Pennsylvania but would still be sound choices to reassure the moderate middle of America.
Obviously she'll choose me! Who could deny a kitten the chance to be vice president?!
Are you sure you want that job, @greenteakitten ?

It seems to require sitting around, giving a speech from time to time to a fawning crowd, and collecting about a quarter of a million per year (officially) in salary.

Surely your talents could be better used.

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