
Who likes my lichess profile and what I need to improve my profile?

Friend, it's very funny, you ask me to rate the profile and now you're saying that I have to do my job, this is my subjective opinion, be able to take criticism.
@Serg_Dolgikh said in #12:
> Friend, it's very funny, you ask me to rate the profile and now you're saying that I have to do my job, this is my subjective opinion, be able to take criticism.

I'm not the OP, I'm a different person. And I don't think he was asking about the flag, because the flag colours shouldn't really make a difference between a good and a bad profile, unless the profile in question is being judged by a Putinlover.

PD: Slava Ukraini.
Hey@Serg_Dolgikh said in #10:
> Why do you have the flag of Ukraine? Are you a Ukrainian? Take it away, and so the profile is good.
Hey, what's the problem?
What do you have with the Ukrainian people?
I don't wanna be a bad citizen, but at least Ukraine didn't have an Nazis team.
And at least Ukraine didn't destroy Russia!!
My friend, Honestly, I feel sorry for both Russians and Ukrainians, I'm not used to living in a mode when someone is howling, their war poses a threat to me (from part). And at the expense of the flag, it's just a way to anger people like you :)
I am not against Ukrainians, I am against the war. The war of these two fraternal peoples makes me wonder why they are fighting? Why are they fighting? Why is there still a concept of war?
I have images@Savage_Water said in #16:
> Add some images, (not mine tho, unless u give me credit )
I have images, click on the links.
And please subscribe to my channel.
Experience very hard things in life and your personal profile in general will improve. You can compare it to a fruit it will ripen in time.

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