
Who has been insulted, but then that person gets payback?

Its happened many times from the same person, who shall remain anonymous.

My way of payback was checkmate lol :)
Dialogue between a friend and his mum
Mom - "you are son of a b*tch"
Friend - "true!"
When I played Soccer. There was a defender i couldnt pass in the few attempts earlier. He started to talk, didnt said a word.
Next play he again stripped me from the ball, but I went back after him, I slided and hit the ball, he fell, the ball got to a teammate, I got up faster and my teammate passed me the ball to the gap that was left, I got it and made an easy goal.

On the way back i was just laughing at him. He was kinda mad.

I scored another one and made a pass for another later in the game. We either won 3-1 or 4-2. Dont remember, but im sure it was by 2.
@Aoza said in #2:
> Dialogue between a friend and his mum
> Mom - "you are son of a b*tch"
> Friend - "true!"

Yeah, I remember the time my mom called me that. :)
Oh. I don't remember anything that happened to me about this but I will surely post about it as soon as I rememeber.
Someone told me I was not funny and very dumb. The arrogance was so strong they thought they were better in all aspects, including chess.

My instant karma response: checkmate ten times in a row (really, it happened :)

The payback continues in the form of checkmate to this day....

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