
who are your favorite forum posters

#14 "Now there's one seminar I would like to attend" Indeed. Were it to be a "successful" seminar, it would rival starship enterprise on a technical level. Nay, it would surpass it.
@tpr is my favourite ❤ He always gives brilliant info and insights along with appropriate suggestions.
#14 and 25:
I tend to recommend the localized Clousems Shitpost Index (lCSI) in order to determine the bullshittiness of a post. The lCSI is essentially an ordinal valuation of the sum of a number of qualitative indicators. a post with an lCSI of 10 (currently, the maximum, although some theorists believe that additional qualitative categories should be added in order to reflect changing times) is bullshittier than one with an lCSI of 4. An lCSI of 0 indicates a forum post that doesn't make people want to jump out of a window.

FORMULA: lCSI= a(horseyspam)+b(horseyshit)+c(duplicate)+d(Meme)+e(Rand)+f(NS-S) + g(NS-R) + h(hack) +I (PubSham) + j (NWC)

The commonly accepted variables are
horseyspam: Variable indicates that the post is merely an attempt to gain horsey reactions.
horseyshit: Variable indicates shitpost invoking horsey as a way to avoid getting reported
duplicate: Variable indicates post duplicating an identical post or thread in the past 24 hours
Meme: Variable indicates a random meme that is irrelevent and unfunny
Rand: Variable indicates a Random, incomprehensible post-- typically written as the first post in a thread
NS-S: (literally: No Shit, Sherlock) Variable indicates A post that informs everyone about something that they know already.
NS-R: (No Shit Request) Variable indicates A post in which a whiner complains about someone swearing, often accompanied with the threat of reporting.
Hack: Variable indicates A delusional post complaining that someone managed to infiltrate the lichess headquarters, break into their team, and sabotage it.
PubSham: Variable indicates A post involving public shaming or fake beer.
NWC: Variable indicates A post involving an issue that no one could possibly care about other than the poster and possibly a very select group of friends. Typically about how the poster's minor issues are the end of the world (in the former case) or an inside joke (in the latter).

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