
Which childhood event turned you into the bloodthirsty psychopath you are today?

@yahgoled said in #9:
> I am thirsty now that you mention: Who wants to meet for drinks?
I would rather have a drink with my former classmates or my girlfriend but if you beat me in a battle then let's go get drinks like I'm up for it. but as of rn I'm only going with my former classmates.
"Which childhood event turned you into the bloodthirsty psychopath you are today?"

Someone once farted next to me, and I was like, "Hey! what are you doing?" and he's like "Haha, your problem!".
<Comment deleted by user>
Combat tour Highway if Death good.

Taco Bell no more taco pizza, right off the edge.
My friends energy bill

It was 7999 dollars WAY to much

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