
When we forget principles...

the Quadratic Formula is x= -b+-rad (b^2)-4ac/a^2, right? so what if we made it -a+-rad (a^2)-4bc/b?!?!
I don't know what would happen, I assume the results would simply be different.
@Ifancy_potato said in #2:
> the Quadratic Formula is x= -b+-rad (b^2)-4ac/a^2, right? so what if we made it -a+-rad (a^2)-4bc/b?!?!

No, that is not the correct quadratic formula. The standard quadratic formula is:
x = (-b ± √(b^2 - 4ac)) / (2a)
a, b, and c are the coefficients of the quadratic equation in the form ax^2 + bx + c = 0
x represents the solutions to the equation
Changing the variables in the formula, as suggested in the question, would result in an incorrect formula that would not properly solve quadratic equations. The quadratic formula must maintain the specific structure shown above in order to correctly find the solutions to any quadratic equation.
@bendmotorindex said in #3:
My bad for goofing up the quadratic formula. I guess I didn't major in math for a reason. However, I as correct as far as my hypothesis that the answer would be different. So go ahead and call me a genius anyways if you're feeling like it
@Ifancy_potato said in #4:
> My bad for goofing up the quadratic formula. I guess I didn't major in math for a reason. However, I as correct as far as my hypothesis that the answer would be different. So go ahead and call me a genius anyways if you're feeling like it
not at all, the solution is not quadratic maths or whatever phisics, it is pay to get ya milkshake next visit that was NOT mentioned upon taking that card to coach the next visit. Time and space and cash....
@MrPushwood said in #6:
> Looks like you should've invited NBC Universal.

Hm, why? I see you on me or try to get me on that horse. But why tiy think it "seem" that I should do anything according to your 2 piece philosophy? Look TechnoBrain, whoever you might be on this webapp or site, there s not 1 but with that I mean even my mother or anyone else that has to tell me what to do. Or say.
The quadratic formula was derived from the standard quadratic equation.

And when you state it, take care to think about the correct "order of operations" (i.e. 'PEMDAS") and take care to get your parentheses correct.
you knew they bought up the chicken coop as fox? So, could as well delete all youtubes here.

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