
What is your favorite cuisine?

@Bobby-Robby On an ignorance scale of 1-10, I’d give you, say, 11, if I’m being generous. A quick delve into British culinary history would show what an ignoramous you really are. (Something I’m not going to do for you).

I have not attempted to remove you freedom to express your opinion, in fact, I invited an opinion. Something informed rather than something without any substance. So on a scale of 1-10 for comprehension, I’ll grudgingly give you a 1.

But seeing as you obviously don’t have anything even remotely sensible to contribute to the discussion, best you jog on and eat your vinegar laced cabbage. Which I’ll give my opinion on. It tastes like shit in a jar, gives you wind and would only be eaten by someone who’s never tasted real food.

If there’s a snowflake on here, it’s most definitely not me. Auf wiedersehen pet!
@BorisOspasky said in #31:
> If there’s a snowflake on here, it’s most definitely not me. Auf wiedersehen pet!
Well, have you ever seen a snowflake admitting to being one?
As for your German, I'll generously give you a 10.
@Bobby-Robby It’s a known fact that whilst a snowflake is a snowflake, all snowflakes are different. However they all have one thing in common... they melt when the heat rises.

My German language knowledge is very rudimentary but it is passable in certain situations. Thanks for the 10 rating but I’d give myself a 3. At best.

My opinion on cabbage laced with vinegar hasn’t changed though. I may well try it out as a weed killer.

Guten abend! :-)
@BorisOspasky said in #34:
> It’s a known fact that whilst a snowflake is a snowflake, all snowflakes are different. However they all have one thing in common... they melt when the heat rises.
Not sure what that's supposed to mean, but I won't waste my time trying to read between the lines.
> My opinion on cabbage laced with vinegar hasn’t changed though. I may well try it out as a weed killer.
I find your insistance in trash talking sauerkraut all the more amusing that I am not actually German.
@Bobby-Robby You're really not the sharpest tack in the box are you? The point isn’t even slightly sharp. Id even go so far as to say, blunt! If you were German maybe I could cut you some slack for maybe not fully grasping what happens to a snowflake as the temperature rises.

There are no hidden meanings, lines to read between or subliminal messages. If there were, it’d be easier to explain them to an ape.

So can the Egon Ronay of Lichess, the bubble in a bar of Aero, please enlighten the audience on how he comes to the conclusion that there’s no such thing as ‘English food’?
@BorisOspasky said in #36:
> There are no hidden meanings, lines to read between or subliminal messages.
Oh my bad. I assumed there had to be some kind of meaning, of intention. I didn't think you were talking only to produce random sounds. But that shouldn't surprise me from someone clinging to equalitarian ideologies so much that they want to discard completely our ancestral wisdom and posit that all foods are equal. After all, according to the same ideology, every blabbering should be the same as well, innit?
@Bobby-Robby Congratulations on finding the ‘produce utter drivel’ setting in ChatGTP ! A true masterpiece!

By using the word, ‘innit’, I assume this an attempt to mimic some street gangster with a back to front baseball cap, jeans around his ankles whilst wearing a pair of Nike Jordan trainers. All you need to do now is master the beatbox impersonation to complete the look.

To get you in the groove, have a listen to Pistol Grip Pump by RATM.

I’ve even been kind enough to provide a link to save you having to process the above information yourself.

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