Horsey was the greatest invention ever.
Or, another UNIX.
And have USB sticks with Linux. Each with its purpose everywhere you can.
Or, another UNIX.
And have USB sticks with Linux. Each with its purpose everywhere you can.
language & medicines
Me, I am the greatest invention. Thanks to my parents.
@IrregularSam I actually know this joke! "What is the most genius (sic) invention ever?" Answer: "The thermos." "Why?" "It keeps hot things hot and cold things cold." "What's so great about that!?" "How do it know?"
dantes-edmond commented: " @IrregularSam I actually know this joke! "What is the most genius (sic) invention ever?" Answer: "The thermos." "Why?" "It keeps hot things hot and cold things cold." "What's so great about that!?" "How do it know?" " Tip of the hat to you !!!!!!!!! I have not heard the 'joke' said by ANYone for nearly a thousand years. It is a little heart rendering to know that you are out there and know of it. Great day wishes to you Dantes ~ Sam. P.S. Mebbe this was the early, early, early stages of the emergence of A.I. (i.e., "How do it KNOW?" : ))))))))) !!!!
The Creation?
the best invention : chessbot, used by 90% of the communauty for cheat and accepted by licheat and for destroy the chess world (yes chess is dying irl because true player disappear);
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