
what indicates that someone is a complete chess newbie?

Can you all tell me how to fix these bugs? For some reason, my opponent's pieces are taking place of my pieces and my pieces are disappearing to the side of the board and I can't move them back in... Also, for some reason, a minute or so after that, the chessboard freezes and I can't move my pieces anymore and my king is, for some reason, surrounded by a perpetual red circle...

If you all tell me this is intended stuff, I am going to leave lichess! I'm sick of you all not fixing this bug and I've already seen someone else address this bug and you all did NOTHING. Why are you all doing this? Should I just move to Hopefully there, I won't find bugs like these.
An OTB chess player is a Newbie if he carries chess books by Pandolfini.
When they can't post in this thread because they don't know how to solve the chess captcha.

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