
What do you think of my interpretation of the Book of Revelation here?

I suggest you stop reading the bible and replace the book with the word, love xxx
@SimonBirch said in #3:
> I suggest you stop reading the bible and replace the book with the word, love xxx
No christian would accept that, just like that.
I'm muslim, I believe the bible is corrupt, but not to a point when I tell someone else "Replace the book with the word love xxx".
I only 'suggested ' it
Edit : I would suggest Muslims stop saying repetitive prayers to Allah everyday , I mean how annoying must that be , over and over again day after day. but I'm only suggesting it .xxx
This is just turning into a religious fight again. Just xxx.
@WassimBerbar why is it that whenever you say something related to Islam, you always prove Christianity wrong? It feels that whenever you message something like #7 it always starts a small religious fight. I mean, even I am Hindu and do not believe in Christianity or Islam, but that doesn't mean that the Bible and Quran is corrupt or wrong, it just means that they are right in their own teachings about their own religions. Just like you cannot compare the teachings of Gautam Buddha to Hindi, Christianity or Islam, since Buddhism (and Jainism) is totally different as they teach people to sacrifice everything to attain Enlightment.
Peace. XXX
I'm curious. Corrupt here would mean changed from the correct version. What has changed and what would the right version be?

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