
What do you know about Poland?

Not everything there actually costs £1 you know !
it's an utter misnomer of a shop. :). LolJk
@WassimBerbar said in #33:
> Wait until 365 days pass in Poland, a non-bissextile year would pass.
no, it is just a normal year unless it is once in 4 years, which is a leap year.
@Noflaps , I was confused at the person's argument, and I happen to be aware of the failed appeasement of pre-WW2 Germany by giving it the Sudetenland. I agree whole heartedly with your point.
Thank you, @R00KB4 . I understood that you are familiar with history, and I'm always happy to encounter those who are. I thought you'd raised an interesting point, and your mention of Gdansk (the former Danzig) made it clear that you understood the significance of the Polish Corridor.

Germany did hope to capture that Corridor, creating continuity with East Prussia. Just as the Soviet Union hoped to feast upon much of Eastern Poland.
@Noflaps said in #47:
> Germany did hope to capture that Corridor, creating continuity with East Prussia. Just as the Soviet Union hoped to feast upon much of Eastern Poland.
And Poland - pieces of Lithuania and Czechoslovakia. "Whoever is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone"
I wish everyone peaceful chess battles)))
There's places in Poland where they make brown vodka.
Seriously. I've had it.
@HiramHolliday said in #8:
> Any trouble...they are behind it...No wonder they all came to Britain to work.

You know I thought your first post was a sarcastic joke over the division of Poland until I read this.

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