
What are your phobias? pt.2 (I losg the other part)

Kinertophobia - fear of zombies
autophobia - fear of being alone
noonereplyingtomyforumophobia- fear of no one replying to my forum
a bit of phasmophobia but not much
@Saranya_Sett said in #36:
> Kinertophobia - fear of zombies
> autophobia - fear of being alone
> noonereplyingtomyforumophobia- fear of no one replying to my forum
> a bit of phasmophobia but not much

ok but I dont the third one exist but ok and whats phasmophobia
Kinda serious but not really: Iamsobadonthepianolmaophobia: Fear of not being able to play piano well

Not serious at all:
Ihavenobrainlmaophobia: Fear of having no brain

Even less serious:
Lmaolmaophobia: Fear of using "lmao" in every "phobia"-name I create

100% serious:
Rickphobia: Fear of getting rickrolled

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